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Sweet Song of The Soul

The distance between us questions possibilities,
Two souls who connect yet shall stay detached,
Life running along parallel tracks that shall never meet,
Yet hope says they would someday be entwined.

UnInhibited feelings spoken, thoughts exchanged,
Unassuming how the world would read them,
Prejudices can't be fought, let free thoughts sail,
It's a battle less spoken, but I know many shall be fought.

Feelings expressed in words for many are view points,
Sometimes misunderstood, unacceptable for few.
Thoughts expressed are sometimes song of a bleeding heart,
These emotions maybe shunned by many as no art.

Questioned and unacceptable orphan thoughts,
Wish to die accepted, but denied and stay detest.
Don't let yourself be consumed by the opinions of others,
Your soul deserves a sweet song, let it be one about it's zest.

-VJ says ~ cheers and peace 


  1. Beautiful VJ! unrequited love is so much better it's perfect... As long as something never begins, you never have to worry about it ending. It has endless potential.

  2. Blogging is the new poetry. I find it wonderful and amazing in many ways.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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