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New Day, New Beginning!

There few acts and action from which you derive immense happiness, but they don’t pay you to make a living off it. They may be hobbies you pursue, things that you do to have a happy soul. And somewhere down the journey you add the element of expectations to it. Instead of acts of selfless joy these turn to be acts of ego. Expectations somehow add to your miseries which you were already battling in life. Gradually you stop pursuing little acts of happiness and stay stuck in daily muddle of chasing the unknown to make a living.

Until one day you wake up after a sleepless night and speak to your inner self. Cry out loud, question self about your foolishness and then feel determined to start the journey rediscover self. You start to put together bits and pieces of the shattered self. Feel resurgent and decide to start pursuing those acts of selfless joy. Fully aware that the battle of life neither begins with self nor can be brought to an end. It only transforms to present new situations with changing phases. Despite all its challenges life still showers moments of happiness. It’s all in the present and we can’t let it go by unidentified just because we were too busy fighting our battles.

Just like the first ray of the sunrise a new hope is impregnated within me. May be finding joy in activities I enjoy, like writing, I would be able to reclaim my little packets of happiness.

-          VJ Says ~ Cheers and Peace


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