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Elusive Happiness Which Was Within!!

Photo Credit - Image: jannoon028 /

One moment you have it all,  
The next moment it’s all gone.
Like slipping sand in your palm,
It’s all gone in the blink of an eye.

Harder you try not losing them,
Faster they keep escaping your grip.
Slow down and savour it gently,
It’s special, so rejoice every moment.

What’s it all worth at the end of it,
If you haven't lived it with a smile.
Live a life with no regret,
For every sunrise there is a sunset.
It’s not worth keeping your soul in exile
So long you here, make it worth your while.

_ VJ Says Cheers & Peace!!!


  1. I love love Superlove the second para!! :) Just fell for that!And that is so true!! :)

  2. awesome! :) loved it and it's so true! :) Your new follower!! :)

  3. WOW...a good philosophy to live by.

    1. Yeah .. A philosophy which will last a life time

  4. Truly as one talks abt regrets I lwys say- REGRET= "Regenerated my Interests" So have some regrets;)


    1. Yeah guess some regrets are what kicks u 2 spill the beans

  5. Fantastic Words! Truly inspirational

    1. Thank you... appreciate thy kind words Arnab

  6. Great one vijay !!


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