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The Versatile Blogger Award

This is my first Blogger award, the feeling within is fantastic! What could be a better 100th Post than this announcement!  I am delighted to share this news with you folks that I’ve been bestowed with the title “The Versatile Blogger” by my fellow blogger Alka Narula.

Thank you Alka Narula, for you thought I deserved it and I accept it as a token of appreciation. Now a little peek-a-boo about the lady, she herself is a fantastic blogger bringing to life some amazing thoughts with her words. Do check it out, it’s called – “Deep Frm My Heart !!

Golden Rules for accepting this award are:
  1. Paste this award on your blog.
  2. Thank the person who gave you this award.
  3. Pass this award to 15 fellow bloggers.
  4. Share 7 random facts about yourself.

Now coming to the tough job i.e. to pick the 15 bloggers to whom I pass this award to. Honestly every blogger has something unique to offer and is a talented individual. Versatility need not be about genres, it could also be emotions! So below is my list of 15 bloggers, in no particular order as such but deserving definitely.

1.    D. Nambiar - Odds and Ends
2.    Narayani Karthik - Swimming in an ocean of thoughts
3.    Asitav Sen - Barreled Phantasy
4.   Sowmya Swaminathan - Myspace
5.    Subhorup Dasgupta - Subho’s Jejune Diet
6.   Keerthana -  Watsinaname
7.    Liz Scully – Madam, let me tell you one thing
8.   Punit Pania – Punnu’s Page
9.   Gracy Angom – Della Dreams
10. Shushma Kallianpur – Sushmas Page
11.  Induravisinghj - hridyanbhuti
12. Aakash Kokz – Love Poems and Thoughts
14. Valady Hariharan – Valady Views
15. Meera ganesh – Meera’s musings

Now 7 random facts about me:
  1. Love watching movies, language is never a barrier.
  2. Hardcore Piscean at heart.
  3. Never learnt any musical instrument but love music.
  4. Call me silly, call me insane But I simply can’t stop dreaming.
  5. Love my solitude for it always helps me think better.
  6. Who said men don’t cry? I do! I’m not ashamed admitting it!
  7. Love listening to Jim Morison!
P.S: VJ says  ~ Cheers and Peace!


  1. Congratulations Vijay. You truly deserve this. Thanks for sharing this with me. It is an honour.

  2. Congratulations on your 100th post, VJ. Congratulations on the versatility of your blogging being recognized by your peers. Thanks for considering my blog worthy of this recognition, and finally, thanks for listing out some nice blogs that I was not aware of.

  3. Hey!!! Congrats!! :) thanks man for adding me on ur list..means a lot :)..

  4. Congrats on the 100th post!:) And thanks a ton for the award! Feels really happy!:) *Happy Blogging*

  5. Thank you so much Vijay! Congrats on your 100th post, wish you many more pages ahead :)

  6. Thank you Vijay.... for nominating me. It is indeed great to know that you read my work. I do stop by your space often but rarely ever delurk :)

    I wish you great success with the blog!!

  7. wow! This is my first award.. And i feel awesome! Thanks a lot dude. Happy 100th post! U rocks! \m/

  8. Vijay...
    Congratulations on the award, congratulations on the 100th post.

    First award? Mine too :)Thank you so much. I am so so so honoured.

    Congratulations again. I hope this will be the first of many awards that come your way.

  9. @Hariharan Valady...@Subhorup Dasgupta...@Ana_treek...@Sowmya Swaminathan...@Arnab Maity...@Meera Ganesh...@della...@D.Nambiar...
    Thank You for your wishes... Congratulations to all...
    *Happy Blogging*

  10. Thanks Vijay for appreciations! Nice to know about you too.Straight from heart:-)


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