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The Virtual Girl !

Photo Credit: Image: africa /

I have never met her,
Never certain if I ever will,
But strange are the ways, how people meet,
Sometimes I wonder, what it all means.

It was a silly chat in this wired world,
I saw her in the virtual world,
Never certain if she really existed in reality,
Words stringed together lead to a conversation.

Like a breeze of wind she came into my life,
She was calm, intriguing and sweet.
It was magical as long as it lasted,
Then one fine day she was gone with the wind.

Then there came days when I couldn’t find her,
She was not there when I searched her on my list,
Disappeared she was, dejected was my heart,
Foolish I felt for I believed in the unseen.

Such is love in reality too,
This was better, least I never knew who she was.
And then one day I saw someone across the road,
She was her, the face I saw on her profile.

My heart skipped few beats,
I wanted to reach out, scream out loud,
It was her and I was sure of that,
I ran across the street with vigour unknown,
My heart pounding as if it would explode.

I got to the coffee table where she sat,
There was so much to say,
But I could manage nothing but “hi!”
She looked up to see who it was,
Her twinkling eyes said she was happy,
But no words spoken to express them.

I thought I had got it all wrong,
May be she never existed,
As I walked away in silence,
I consoled myself saying,
May be it was yet another joke,
Silly me for believing in fantasies.

Then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder,
As I stood in silence to turn back,
It was her again, the virtual girl.
She said sorry but I guess I know you.
You are him, the one I once knew.

I smiled and so did she,
No words were spoken,
Yet the silence said it all,
She was for real, so were the feelings,
We walked down the street hand in hand,
Stealing glances, absorbed in the moment,
We realised we were meant to be together.

-       VJ says ~ Cheers and Peace!  


  1. This sounds like a Bollywood Masala story...the start was very real but later turned to be a oh i know this ending types ;) a writer u r attemptng all types...but still cannot rate this piece as high as the others...

  2. @Archana Sirish: Thank you for your honest comments. Appreciate it :)

  3. Very dramatic and contemporary, VJ. While it is simple and perhaps even predictable, the way you have written it makes it very readable. Keep shining.

  4. you sure are a dreamer :-)
    your poetry are unique and interesting.

  5. Very nice....Perfect poem for a movie as one of ur friends has mentioned! :)

  6. Awesome as always :)

  7. Oh, those intense emotions of first love - the excitement, the expectations and (hopefully none) cruel rejection. You spun a beautiful tale of love. A bit predictable, a bit clichéd but I loved it. Keep it up. :)

  8. I love it, last paragraph is playing in my mind...:)

  9. i could visualize the same while reading this poem .. loved it

  10. I love the virtual world love stories :)!!

    They give a bit of a complex to traditional love stories don't you think?!:) I'm talking about really genuine web love stories. I was so mesmerized watching You've Got Mail today morning and this poem just got me dreaming even more:)!!

  11. Your poetry takes me into the imaginary world. Someday, somewhere someone goes through this n its nice to re-live it in your poems... it used to be a lot of pain earlier in ur poems, now, though dramatic, brings a smile on d face :)


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