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Game Of Life!

Whenever things go astray in life we all do play the blame game. I am no exception I used to pass the buck too. Until one day the buck stopped with me!

I believe if I’m sad today it has to do something with what I have done. After all “we are all creators of our own destiny!” a clichéd statement, but its often true.

Now why did I sit down to write what I’m writing right now, well there is a reason. For the past week or so I have been feeling quiet awkward from within. Unable to find a way out, I saw myself suffering from within.

We all sometimes fail to understand each other in the true sense. We all tend to make our own conclusion without probably knowing the whole truth. What’s important is to try to look beyond what you see. For life is not what you see, Life is actually much beyond it!

I hope find my way back to being what I always loved to be. I hope to rediscover the real me. I hope to see myself smiling again genuinely!

I know all this sounds so serious and complex! But I hope to be back next time with new observations about the world around us. Hope a few of my thoughts might lighten your day if not enlighten you! :-)

So until then Stay together... stay happy! Cheers to Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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