Hey you stranger, Would you like to talk to me? I am feeling lonely tonight, Would you like to walk with me? Let’s share some stories, Stories of our lives, Some stories with a smack of salt, Some stories with a dash of sugar. The walk may not be long, The togetherness will be short, We may turn strangers again, As we reach the next crossroads. But the pain of separation wouldn’t be heavy, For our hearts will be lighter. We both will be smiling as we part ways, For our minds will be free of some baggage, And our hearts filled with love and joy. Cheers and Peace ~ Vijay Shenoy A.K.A #GabbyVJ
Thanks to life and people I meet who contribute everyday to my writing by being my inspiration! Plagiarism is not appreciated! But I certainly do appreciate your comments. So please do share your thoughts always! Say cheers to peace and Enjoy life!